Monday, March 2, 2009

Computer-Oriented Society

Risks of a Computer-Oriented Society

The differences in online communication are a huge problem associated with a computer-oriented society. All of the newer and “faster” ways in which everyone communicates today create many problems and confusion. Today our society uses text messaging in place of phone calls, and e-mail as a replacement for letters, both of which lack proper language as well as emotion.
Because of online communication not only is it faster to get information to one another it is also easier to misspell words, use less formal language, and leaves the other person to interpret the lack of emotion. In an office setting it is much easier to send out a memo versus calling or sending out letters to all of your colleagues. But proper language must be used to remain professional, which can often be lost when someone is typing a quick message. Be careful when using capital letters, because it can come off as shouting. Also when in a business setting never use acronyms because it is not considered proper language and may come off as unprofessional.